Data Management Plan

MobilEU Data Management Plan

1. General description of data

The MobilEU project will gather mainly two types of data, survey data and regulation data. The data management will be organized according to the demands of each type of data collection.

Survey data: Three types of surveys will be conducted during the project. Each of the surveys will be targeting citizens of all six countries included in the project: Finland, Ireland, Belgium, Poland, Portugal and the UK. The surveys targeting citizens currently living in the target countries will have between 1000-1200 respondents from each country. One survey will target citizens living abroad and use a convenience sample collected mainly via social media recruitment. The target is 1000 respondents for each country, but this will likely vary to some extent due to the unpredictability of the recruitment method. The surveys will be conducted using an online survey platform, Qualtrics. Data will be mainly be stored in CSV-format, together with formats for the mainly used statistical analysis tools used by the research group, SPSS and Stata.

2. Ethical and legal compliance

Survey data: All respondents remain anonymous (unidentifiable) throughout the data collection and therefore EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not apply to these data. However, we are committed to following the guidelines issued by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity on good scientific practice, how to handle violations against it, as well as valid legislation. We are also following the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity by ALLEA.

3. Documentation and metadata

Survey data: All data stored at FSD contains metadata listed in the CESSDA Data Catalogue and is thus widely available. The Data catalogue is one-stop-shop for search and discovery, enabling effective access to European social science research data.

4. Storage and backup during the research project

Survey data: All data will be stored at University of Helsinki servers, which contents are backed up by University of Helsinki IT services.

5. Opening, publishing and archiving the data after the research project

Survey data: After the project the survey data will be archived Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD). FSD is reputable and reliable partner for sharing digital research data and preserving them long term. FSD is part of the pan-european research infrastructure of data archives CESSDA and help researchers create a version of the data suitable for reuse, describe the data and make sure that the data can be easily found and is accessible in different languages.

6. Data management responsibilities and resources

Survey data: The research team at University of Helsinki is responsible for data management of all survey data collected in the project. Data support services (University of Helsinki) will be consulted when needed to ensure that data management best practices are followed.

PhD Staffan Himmelroos (staffan.himmelroos(at) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki can be contacted in issues related to the storage and management of survey data collected in the project.